Sunday, October 14, 2018

Warrior Children: Legendary Three (Excerpt): Edward's Dwelling

Book 2 of the WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series!

EXCERPT, Book I, Legendary Three:

MARVELING AT THE INTRICACIES of his new dwelling, he smelled the damp stench of soil poking through the rocky floor, as it filled his senses. The light flickered once. It flickered again. Faintly, he saw the outline of rocks and insects crawling upon them.  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. How am I even seeing this?
He passed what seemed to be a faint outline of his right hand through his stomach area, and he gasped. It slipped through, without touching anything solid. He looked down to where his body was supposed to be. All he could see was the pulsing violet light in the center of his chest.
As the hours passed, the light spread, following small pathways which looked to be veins running in every direction.  If I am seeing this, surely, then my eyes have formed. I smell the Earth, but my body doesn’t feel solid yet.
Twelve hours passed. Aware of every detail as it was happening, he heard slight echoes of dripping water and the bugs which were swarming in every which way.  I can now see, smell and hear. What a grace.  He turned his head in the direction of something scurrying nearby, and he saw a faint outline of a small animal with a long tail.  Goodness. What in the world is that? I’ve been gone so long. So much evolution has occurred.
After seven more hours, he felt a small tingle in the middle of his forehead. This lasted for nearly thirty minutes before it spread throughout his body. First his toes, then his groin and the bottom of his tailbone, before it traveled up his spine.
Startled at these sensations, he was forced to emote.  Four of my five senses. I won’t need the fifth for at least a month.
Breathing in and out slowly, a tear rolled down his cheek, and he whispered to nobody in particular, “I’m back. It’s been so long. So many incredible moments. So many horrific events. And… and I… and we can experience it all again. I can’t believe I’m actually back.”
He continued to whisper, sending hissing echoes bouncing from wall to wall within the confines of his cavern. “I… I wonder what it’s like out there now. After all these years, the evolution of… of everything! Certainly, every detail, every crack and crevice, and even the animals and the people. Surely, every single atom and cell on this planet has evolved!”
His whispering quieted, and he was content to sit in silence, without a care of the world or his own experience. A full twenty-four hours passed. He remained sitting on the slab of stone, watching the light emanating from his body, reflecting around the rock walls.
His eyebrows raised, and curiosity hit home.  Indeed. I wonder what the world is like.  With effort and concentration, he focused his mind as far out as he could imagine, stretching his energy and attention for miles and miles beyond the walls.
Murmurs of voices, children laughing and people screaming. Strange sounds he had never before heard, and wondrous melodies, somebody singing, and a pounding rhythm. The clanking of metal grinding, barking and conversations. It was electrifying!
Even the wind he could hear brushing against the leaves of various trees, and the waves of the water crashing into the rocks. He listened and listened in ecstasy for several hours, soaking in the sounds and the energies of a world so foreign to him.
He smiled. A small giggle. After listening some more, he laughed uncontrollably for several minutes. He was joy incarnate.
Slowly, he tried to stand, but wobbled a bit and fell down. Pushing his arms against the ground, he rose up onto his knees and breathed a few moments before crawling toward the wall. Leaning against the wall, he stood up and walked slowly forward, then backward.
He walked the entire span of the room which he occupied in the large underground cavern, following the lining of the wall. He made a full circle and reached the spot he had first started walking.
Eyeing the stone he was previously sitting on, he took one step.  I can do this. I don’t need that god-damn wall to hold me up.  Another step, and another. Slowly but surely, he reached his destination. When he fell forward upon the rock, he laughed wildly again.
Halfway through the second day, he was still sitting in the same spot, unmoved. Breathing, seeing, smelling, feeling, listening. The smile upon his face never left. Then, from out of nowhere, he heard a voice as if the person was standing directly in front of him. Only, the voice came from the very center of his brain.
Low and entrancing, the voice streamed into his awareness. “You are now acclimated to the vibration of the Earth realm.”
He was instantly placed in a trance, but still aware of everything happening. “Father! The Earth has accepted me well. I breathe. I see. I feel. And this dirt! The dirt is very pungent. And the sounds of this planet! Everything has changed. It has all evolved. I can’t believe the world I live in!”
“Son of Time, much has happened since you last dwelt amidst the shadows of this planet. As time passes, it is a law willed by the Otherworlds, that all matter must change. As thoughts change, the atomic nature of all things change, causing bodies to change. When those thoughts change and the old concepts collapse, structures change. Buildings, trees, and all races, from the tiniest insects to the largest animals and humans, change.”
“Yes. I knew this was the case. Yet, I am still very astounded to find how immense and intense the change has been from our last footings three millenniums ago. By the way, Father, you have come with a purpose?”
“As all things change, so too must your name. The evolution of all things continues, even the particles encased within the sounds of names. You will need a suitable calling to fit this new age you are tasked upon, for the title you were given thousands of years past has not the power to guide you in the modern world.”
“I see. What do you wish for me to be addressed as?”
“My son.” There was a grand pause. “Your name, which I wish to bestow upon you, hails from the resonance of two lines of adornment. It vibrates with wisdom energy from a line of saints, and it carries the energy of courage and leadership from a lineage of kings. With this name, I will give thee the power to walk as those who walked as wise men in a world of chaos, and the magnetism to draw upon the nobilities of those who were born into status and grandeur.
“Your very being, as it mortalized into the body which forms, will be granted passage by my will and presence beyond time and space. That which you will be called, draws from the power of saints and kings past, and thrives as a living force in the modern day. From this moment on, you will now be addressed as Edward!”
When spoken, a shaft of brilliant white beamed through the ceiling of his dwelling and poured into the top of his crown, enveloping his entire body. Strength flooded his muscles and bones, and his senses were heightened.
His father added, “Now that you have been aligned with your new name, you will need an official last name to be placed on documents as you walk the planet. You shall take one of my names. You will be known amongst the mortals, as Edward Kronos.
After nearly an hour, all was quiet, and Edward sat motionless but relaxed.  Thank you, Father.
A few hours passed, and his silent reverie was broken by yet another voice, which pierced into his thoughts.
“Can you hear me?”
Edward was instantly filled with amusement. “I can.”
“So, you’re aware!”
“Yes, very. Father granted me my new name, Edward Kronos. And you?”
“Yes. Father too came and went. For this day and age, he willed the son of Arul to be known as Gene. Gene Arul.”
Edward’s lips creased upward. He felt the resonation of Gene’s new name. It was powerful and fit for the contemporary setting. “It’s very strong, very pronounced. Your father makes no mistakes in the choosing of all things. What of Gaia’s born? Have you heard?”
“I have,” said Gene. “He’s resting now. He was in very deep communication with the Earth goddess, and when he came to, he needed rest. He would have contacted you, but while we were communicating, he got weak and his voice faded out.”
“His chosen name?”
Like electricity through wires, Gene sent the thought to Edward. “The goddess herself chose it for him, imparting him with a sense of adventure and all the gifts that a goddess would give. Christopher.”
“Christopher? Let me guess. Christopher Gaia?”
“Exactly!” Gene was clearly excited.
“Nice. I like it. It suits him.” Edward paused, letting the new name roll in and out of his consciousness. “After all this time. We’re back.”
“Yes. We are,” Gene answered. “As I understand, nearly two thousand miles separate our bodies. I’m immobilized in the central portion of this land. Where are you?”
“Near the water, underground. I feel the presence of mountains everywhere, and an immense body of water is very near. I listened and found that I am somewhere in the west of this country.”
There was a long gap of silence. Finally, Edward said, “It’s time, you know. Now that we have full awareness, and the powers of communication have opened to us, we haven’t a minute to lose.”

“Yes. I know. Our Guardian Watchers. It’s time.”

Vaughn Edward is a performing vocalist and instrumentalist, author and photographer. He has trekked over twenty cross-country trips in the States, performed throughout the U.S. and toured the Caribbean. He has authored two books, WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series, and he has sold his photography canvases in various states. (

Q&A Performance and Art blog:


Friday, October 12, 2018

Book Cover and Excerpt!

Book 2 of the WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series!
BOOK II EXCERPT:  Sons of the Red Planet

“I too have been around for a very long time,” said Aaron. “Much of my time has been spent in other galaxies, protecting, defending and teaching. Every so often, I come back to my home planet, Mars. For a very long time, I have been trying to figure out a way to restore the balance on this planet. Through my travels, and with the help of certain gods and goddesses, we have devised a way to do just that. The plan is already in motion.
“Also, for many years, I have been tracking the demonic energy which I have felt on this planet. It always remained hidden to me, until recently.” Aaron rested his hand on Edward’s shoulder. “To be blunt, the son of Time and I came to this lair to destroy each and every one of you.”
Ang remained visibly calm, but quiet.
“However, after speaking with Ire, we have changed our minds. There is much to discuss, and much more to understand. Ire is a very peaceful creature. To our knowledge, and what our instinct says, you too have grown into peace and have become a benevolent being. This is not something we can so easily destroy, if at all.”

Vaughn Edward is a performing vocalist and instrumentalist, author and photographer. He has trekked over twenty cross-country trips in the States, performed throughout the U.S. and toured the Caribbean. He has authored two books, WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series, and he has sold his photography canvases in various states. (

Q&A Performance and Art blog:


Thursday, October 11, 2018

WARRIOR CHILDREN: Legendary Three (Excerpt 1)


This is an excerpt from my book series, WARRIOR CHILDREN

To Purchase Book Series:

BOOK I (EXCERPT): Warrior Children, Legendary Three

HE LANDED IN THE CANYON. The ground shattered and cracked in five places, four hundred feet below from where he was standing at the top of the cliff. He stood up, shook his head and yelled out to nobody in particular. “Seriously?! What. In. The. HELL?!”  How do they keep following me? From where?
A minute later, two portals opened up in front and behind him. Ten large and grotesque, hulking figures, five from each portal, shuffled through. He eyed them curiously and saw each had an upside-down half-moon on their forehead.  Just don’t give up, do they? Sharp fangs and demonic in nature. Well this should be fun, at the very least.
They slowly circled him, enclosing him in the center.
The leader of the group scoffed and spoke out. “Ten of us! Sent to dispose of one small boy? A waste of our time!” The others agreed, and murmurs and jeers simmered around the circle.
Small, sleek and slender, the boy appeared to be in his mid-teens. He sighed and ran his left hand through his dark, wavy hair, while his right hand rested easily on a long, golden and metallic staff, which stood as tall as him. Acting as if he was ignoring the predators before him, he casually touched and inspected the leaf-shaped tip at the end of the staff, rubbing his hand slowly on one of the flat sides.
A voice rang out from the circle. “Leader, after coming this far, you should allow each of us to tear him apart slowly, one at a time. It would be more satisfying than just gutting him with a spear.”
The boy slowly lifted his head and sneered. The corner of his right mouth curled up into a thin smile. All that could be heard was, “Heh heh”.  Maybe I can find out more about this portal, if I can draw a few more out of it.
In his most cocky voice, the boy retorted, “One at a time? Each get a bloody turn, while nine of you watch on the side? Technically, that’s still ten against one. The way I see it, ain’t much of a fair fight.” He paused. “I’m thinking, maybe you should call a few more of your pretty friends to come join you. You know, to even the odds a little bit?”
The leader yelled. “Enough!”  He pointed to one of his followers down the line. “Get it over with! Kill him, now!”
Immediately, the boy shifted his stance and sprang up into the air in a back flip. A beam of light shot out from his staff and exploded one foot in front of the leader, causing him to tumble backward, while the boy landed outside the circle.
He stared at the group in front of him and taunted them. “I’m much faster than all of you. I can run, and I can hide. I can do this ALL day. I would even venture to say, I am physically stronger than your strongest. If you care to test me? Ah, but I already told you. Let’s even the odds. Bring a few more here, and then I’ll fight.”
After pursuing him for nearly two hours through the mountains, leaping from rock to rock and running through the woods, they came into a clearing. Again, the boy repeated, “It’s really very simple. My directions aren’t hard to follow. Bring a few more here, and I’ll fight.”
Clearly frustrated, the leader threw his arms up in the air in rage and screamed at the top of his lungs. Instantly, a portal opened up.
The boy watched intently. He saw five more emerging from the portal. He set his gaze to the very back of the portal, as far back as he could see inside of it. A familiar feeling set upon him.
Well ain’t that interesting. They’re from home. I knew there was something familiar about these yayhoos.  A moment of annoyance, and he creased his brow.  But where would they be hiding on Mars?
“Father? You gonna answer that one?” the boy asked, loud enough for his ears only. He waited a moment. No answer.  Right then.  “I forgot. You only answer when YOU see fit,” he muttered.
Whatever.  Speaking to himself, he said, “Do I really ask for much? No. Do I talk to myself? Absolutely. Why? Cause I’ve no one else to talk to, except for huge, ugly demons twice my size. Mission. Find rocks. Throw rocks around. Holy bitch. I’ve definitely hit a new low.”
He let out a long sigh, then screamed out. “Eight months, Father! You said he would be here! But still no sign of Edward!” No reply. “Whatever. Let’s just finish this.”
He kicked a rock and prepared himself for battle with the fifteen demons before him. Just then, the air crackled and popped behind and above him.  What the hell? Only a small handful in the universe could possibly know this technique of communication.
Without turning around, the boy said sarcastically, “Whomsoever you are, you have picked a most inopportune time. As you can see, I am in no position to talk. Even though I’m, talking to you right now? I can, however, tell that your intention is not to harm me. Because of that, I’ll not waste your time in finding me by cutting the communication. If you wish, you can watch. Before I begin, state your names. Quickly.”

Vaughn Edward is a performing vocalist and instrumentalist, author and photographer. He has trekked over twenty cross-country trips in the States, performed throughout the U.S. and toured the Caribbean. He has authored two books, WARRIOR CHILDREN Fantasy series, and he has sold his photography canvases in various states. (

Q&A Performance and Art blog:
